sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

west wing oct 2010

Sportsbook Advisor Visits West Wing Casino and Resort (Now Owned by Company that Owns BetFirstClass)

Published November 1, 2010 by Brad

On Tuesday through Thursday (October 19-21) I visited and stayed at the White House/West Wing Resort and Casino in Escazu, Costa Rica. I was the lone representative from Sportsbook Advisor to be present at the launch of the Casino and resort under the new ownership team.

Even though I had just 48 hours to stay and be a part of the festivities that was all I needed. The first night was a grand one with hundreds of people from the industry and visitors in attendance. The blackjack and roulette tables roared as people won and lost alike. The drinks were flowing and the weather was perfect and made me wish I could have stayed a few days longer.

The food and service at the resort were magnificent and I would recommend that any adult or couple should go and stay at this lovely place. Maybe you will get lucky on the games and pay for your whole vacation with your winnings, hey it’s possible.

View Official Press Release Here
View Official Invitation Here
Go to Resort Website Here

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