sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Posts tagged ‘sportsbook’

  • future of offshore sportsbooks

    Offshore Sportsbooks Will Be Fine

    North American facing offshore sportsbooks have been online since 1996. They have offered sports betting to Americans and Canadians who didn’t live near a sportsbook or casino. In the United Sta...
  • reload bonus

    Christmas Bonus for YouWager Clients

    If you are an existing customer of YouWager sportsbook, you probably know there are certain perks that go along with that. Free payouts, contests and bonuses only offered to existing members. This Chr...
  • sportsbook wagering report

    Line Moves and Smart Money Report

    Apparently the sportsbooks did very well last night on the Cowboys loss. Dallas lost 24-31 to the Bears despite both public and smart money riding on them. YouWager‘s sportsbook manager said ...
  • sportsbook rating changes

    Sportsbook Grade Changes – Recent Moves

    Recently we reached out to our readers to find out what they thought about specific sportsbooks in question. The information campaign was a huge success and we had a few dozen people write in. Some re...
  • special bonus cyber monday sportsbooks

    Top Rated Sportsbook Offers Cyber Monday Bonus

    In case you don’t know, Cyber Monday is the Monday following “Black Friday”. This is the day where online retailers put special sales up hoping to attract people to their website. Th...
  • black friday sportsbook

    Black Friday Sportsbook Bonus from YouWager

    Every year millions of Americans scurry around the country to find special deals at stores on the day after Thanksgiving. This day is commonly know as “Black Friday”. The nickname came fro...
  • Begals odds before and after dalton announced as starter

    NFL Week 13 Opening Lines and Subsequent Line Moves

    The week 13 NFL point spreads were released last night at Las Vegas and offshore sportsbooks. This table shows the lines futures lines coming into the weekend and what they actually are now. The same ...
  • Floyd mayweather next fight odds 2019

    Boxing – Mayweather Comeback? Odds on Next Fight

    Although there has been nothing posted on his social media by the retired boxer, the birdies are chirruping. Enough so that online sportsbook has posted odds as to who Floyd “mo...
  • why not to bet a parlay

    Parlays are Totally Bad.. Unless You Hit One

    When sportsbooks report their profits, at least a good chunk of that number is a result of parlay bets. The parlay bet is one in which you can string together several games and have it pay off at an e...
  • sportsbook limiting players

    Why Sportsbooks Limit Some Players

    Over the years you may have heard of a sportsbook limiting a player. Whether you heard it on a movie, TV show or from someone in your personal life, you probably have heard of this happening. And it d...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by