sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Posts tagged ‘politics’

  • polymarket in the news

    Polymarket News – Huge Win for One Guy – CEO Arrested

    Polymarket is an online betting platform which allows you to bet on future and upcoming events. It lists itself as “The World’s Largest Prediction Market”. It’s like the many b...
  • rump odds post conviction

    Presidential Odds Post Trump Conviction

    There is no way you haven’t heard that former President Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York trial. A jury found him guilty of falsifying business records. It’s listed as 34 count...
  • Odds on US President posted February 2024

    Trump Now Heavy Favorite to Win Election at Sportsbooks

    Sportsbooks are not in the business of predicting outcomes. They are in the business of posting odds that are attractive to both sides of the event. They make their money from the vig, a fee which is ...
  • Vlad Putin exit odds

    Political Odds – Sportsbook Odds Say Putin Leaves Office by 2026

    Flash back 25 years and things were looking up for Russia. They had successfully shed the murderous oppressive communist regime and were stepping into a 20th century capitalist system that included de...
  • Herschel Walker odds

    Mid Term Election Betting Odds

    The “mid terms” are the period in the middle of the Presidential election cycle where Governors and Congressmen are selected for many states. Usually the way it plays out is that the polit...
  • Trump odds 2024

    Trump Now Heavy Favorite to be Next President

    Donald Trump, perhaps the most controversial president in American history, is now favored to be the next President of the United States by a margin of 2/1. A lot of factors went into making the odds ...
  • Odds on when Biden will be removed from office

    Biden Leaves Office Betting Odds

    2020’s U.S. Presidential election was one of the most contentious in the country’s history. There were accusations and suspicions of voter fraud aimed at removing controversial President D...
  • Poll results - are people betting NBA or MLB in summer 2021?

    Poll Results: Who is Betting What This Summer

    There has been so much drama surrounding sports in recent years. Most of it has to do with sports being used as a platform for players to push their social justice narratives. At the same exact time, ...
  • Trump 2024 Odds

    Don’t Look Now But Trump is Climbing 2024 Election Odds

    The second impeachment process which was shut down last week would have all but guaranteed that Donald Trump Sr. was out of any real contention to run for President again. But now he has a clear path ...
  • Redskins New Name Odds

    Redskins New Name Odds

    Most people are all fully aware of the name battle that has been occurring with the NFL franchise located in Washington D.C. currently named the Redskins. The heat started less than decade ago when th...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

NCAAB Tournament

2025 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Winner Moneyline
Duke +180
Florida +300
Auburn +500
Houston +550
Alabama +1200
Tennessee +1400
Texas Tech +2500
Michigan State +2500

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