sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Posts tagged ‘betting history’

  • Sports Betting Syndicates - Are they legal?

    What is a Sports Betting Syndicate?

    In its simplest terms, a sports betting syndicate is loosely defined as a group of people that get together to try and win money betting on sports using coordinated plays. Over the years ‘bettin...
  • Super Bowl history and betting results for each game

    History of Super Bowl Betting and Every Result

    With the big game kicking off tomorrow evening, we thought we would put together a complete history of Super Bowl spreads, totals and results. Sports betting was already very much in fashion when Supe...
  • Super Bowl Facts and Stats

    Historical Super Bowl Betting Statistics

    Knowing the history of the Super Bowl is also knowing that people have steadily wagered on the big game since its creation. Each year betting on the game increases in popularity. It is estimated that ...
  • Franzese discusses fixing games

    Former Mobster Discusses Fixing Games

    68 year old Michael Franzese is a former member of the Colombo crime family in New York. He has had a life full of every mobster activity you can imagine. He did a lot of time in prison as well and is...
  • history of usa sports betting odds

    Who Invented the Point Spread?

    We have already published an article about Charles K. McNeil – the man who invented the point spread. But, in this article we would like to delve further into the details of the life of Mr. McN...
  • Betting History – The Chicago Black Sox Scandal

    Many of you old timers know all about the Black Sox scandal of 1919. It is the most famous “fix” in baseball history. It put sports betting and fixing bets in the national spotlight. I was...
  • How Far Online Sports Betting Has Come Since Its Infancy

    In the mid-1990’s a new trend started – online sports betting. For those that don’t remember, the gambling industry saw a massive spike in popularity thanks to the Internet. Not that gambling wa...
  • The First Point Spread Posted

    Trying to figure out the very first point spread posted is a tough task. Sports betting didn’t just crop up over night and the first point didn’t either. Here is what we do know: In the be...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

NCAAB Tournament

Longest Shot Odds Teams Left in Tournament

Michigan State: +2500
Texas Tech: +3500
Kentucky, Arizona, Maryland: +5000
Purdue, Michigan, BYU: +8000
Ole Miss: +1250
Arkansas: +3500

Championship Odds at