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round1 ncaa 2010

3/18/2010 SAINT MARYS CAat RICHMOND (College Basketball) SAINT MARYS CA 2 ~ WIN
3/18/2010 UTEPat BUTLER (College Basketball) UTEP 2.5 ~ LOSS
3/18/2010 WASHINGTONat MARQUETTE (College Basketball) MARQUETTE -1 ~ LOSS
3/19/2010 MORGAN STATEat WEST VIRGINIA (College Basketball) WEST VIRGINIA -17.5 ~ WIN
3/19/2010 MINNESOTAat XAVIER (College Basketball) MINNESOTA 0 ~ LOSS
3/19/2010 CORNELLat TEMPLE (College Basketball) CORNELL 4 ~ WIN
3/19/2010 MISSOURIat CLEMSON (College Basketball) CLEMSON -1.5 ~ LOSS
3/19/2010 FLORIDA STATEat GONZAGA (College Basketball) GONZAGA 1.5 ~ WIN
3/19/2010 ARKANSAS PINE BLUFFat DUKE (College Basketball) DUKE -23 ~ WIN
3/19/2010 VERMONTat SYRACUSE (College Basketball) SYRACUSE -17.5 ~ WIN
3/19/2010 LOUISVILLEat CALIFORNIA (College Basketball) LOUISVILLE 1 ~ LOSS

SBA Minutes

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Action Report

Ohio -5.5 (68% of tix & 74% of $)
JVST +5.5 (32% of tix & 26% of $)

TUL +10.5 (26% of tix & 28% of $)
Florida -10.5 (74% of tix & 72% of $)

IND +7 (48% of tix & 50% of $)
ND -7 (52% of tix & 50% of $)



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