Odds On If There Will Be a College Football Season Or Not
If you are a football fan you have definitely heard the public debate as to whether or not there will be a college football season this year. The concern, of course, stems from the Covid-19 virus whic... -
Ghislaine Maxwell Final Death Odds & Poll Results
Ghislaine Maxwell, the sidekick and enabler of sick and twisted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested at her newly purchased home in New Hampshire earlier this month. Today, information has come to ... -
Redskins New Name Odds
Most people are all fully aware of the name battle that has been occurring with the NFL franchise located in Washington D.C. currently named the Redskins. The heat started less than decade ago when th... -
AL East Betting Win Totals and Picks
Players from all 30 teams across Major League Baseball have reported to “Summer Camp”, and now less than three weeks stand between now and Opening Day. As we inch closer, we’re taking a look at ... -
Ghislaine Maxwell Betting Odds
Ever since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested at her $1M New Hampshire Ranch last month, the internet has been a buzz with speculation and friendly bets. We noticed that no sportsbook was posting odds on ... -
UFC Fight Island Odds – Free Pick and Action Report
Dana White, the inventor and manager of UFC, is really a marketing genius and innovator. He has brought UFC from a little known fringe-sport to a full fledged main attraction. And never have his talen... -
Will Ghislaine Maxwell Die Before Trial Verdict Odds
The article we wrote four days ago about how Ghislaine Maxwell will meet her end has sparked a lot of interest and has become somewhat viral. We received feedback including one email that suggested th... -
How Will Ghislaine Maxwell Die Odds
We typically stay away from morbid odds like any betting odds that have to do with death, ie., which famous older celebrity will die next, that type of thing. But when it comes to this creep Ghislaine... -
Cam Newton Improves Patriots Odds
Back in March we posted odds on where Newton would land. If you had The Patriots +450, congratulations. Yesterday, the New England Patriots added Cam Newton to their roster. The one year deal is only ... -
MLB Odds – Yankees Favored Onshore – Dodgers Favored Offshore
The MLB announced this week that it would begin play in July. It will be playing a 60 games regular season and then have a full playoff season. Baseball and baseball betting fans are excited to say th...
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