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Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category.

  • Over Under for Bitcoin at the End of 2025

    Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency there is. It is used by millions of people daily as a payment method and store of value. There are currently over $2T USD sitting in Bitcoin’s marketca...
  • BTC ETF affects price

    Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Price Projection Odds

    The true currency of the world, BTC ha seen massive gains in recent weeks as more and more mainstream financial institutions start investing in it. These institutions are creating ETF’s aka Exch...
  • Cardano Coin - cryptocurrency primer

    Which Cryptocurrency is Right for You?

    Cryptocurrency, in its most modern form, jumped onto the scene ten years ago. But it wasn’t until about five years ago that we really started hearing about it from mainstream sources. In 2017, p...
  • crypto payments online casino

    How Crypto Finance is Changing the Global Landscape

    As digital technology continues to evolve, it has brought forth new trends and opportunities. One such trend is the rise of crypto-finance, which is the use of cryptocurrency as a means of financial t...
  • what is the next crypto exchange to fail odds

    Next Crypto Exchange to Go Bankrupt Odds

    The cryptocurrency world has taken a beating in 2022. A public fearful of an impending recession pulled much of their money out of the market causing the market to shrink by about 66%. This has caused...
  • best sportsbook bonuses

    Betting Odds Predict an Even Steeper Drop for Bitcoin

    November has been quite the somber month for cryptocurrency investors. After summer and fall season of crypto winter, the worst was yet to come. Bitcoin, the flagship cryptocurrency topped out at $64K...
  • Gas Price Odds June 2022

    Gallon of Gas Price Betting Odds

    As you know, a gallon of gas is at an all-time high as far as price is concerned. According to the national average right now is $4.45. There is plenty of blame going on in the country but non...
  • Bet Bitcoin Odds - Futures

    Bitcoin Odds – Bet on What Price will be at End 2021

    Bitcoin and sports betting have histories which are permanently etched together. The reason for this is that BTC was being used as a payment system for offshore sportsbooks as far back as 2013. The re...
  • privacy based cryptocurrency

    Are Privacy Coins the Future of Sportsbook Payments?

    The crypto-digital currency revolution began just over a decade ago, though it has only been a mainstream topic for the latter half of that period. Bitcoin was the first crypto/digital currency to fig...
  • betting sports with bitcoin

    Why Bet Sports Using Cryptocurrency

    You would have to have been in a coma for the last ten years to not know of, or at least have heard about crytpocurrency. The digital currency came on the scene in 2008 but really took off in the mid-...

SBA Minutes

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Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +225

Cleveland Cavaliers +700

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by