sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

BetOnline Downgrade

We originally featured this company as a Top Sportsbook but have had many emails about failed sign up attempts. Upon receiving this news we tried signing up from several computers ourselves and either received an internal error message or a hanging transition between pages. We contacted this company about this issue and they more or less had no idea what was going on. It is for this reason we are lowering them to rating B-.  The customers they do have tell about timely payments and customer service. But I worry about recommending a site/company whose software is full of glitches and when contacted, responds without urgency. What is a sportsbook, or any retail company for that matter, if it can’t take on new customers?

Update 2014: Since we dont delete old news, we like to update it instead. is back on top and has been top ranked again since 2012.

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by