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Bet Online 247 Issue

Their response:

Hello  SBA!

Thanks for contacting us.

There are some withdrawals that are delayed because we don’t have their id on file, we advised all our customers that withdrawals can take up to 30 days to be processed and that we are working hard on decreasing that waiting time.  Most customers are very understanding and have a lot of patience and all our withdrawals have been processed within the time frame they were told.

We are going to process more withdrawals tonight.. and most probably the complainants withdrawal will be one of those.

Once again thanks for contacting us and informing us about the situation. As it was mentioned before we are working on improving our staff and our service in order to achieve excellence.

Customer Support Team


Original Complaint Below:

November 10, 2010

BetOnline247 Customer Complaint.

Sportsbook Advisor received a complaint from a BetOnline247 (Rating D-) client yesterday about a slow pay/no-pay of 5 weeks now. The player requested $2500 be paid out via money bookers and has not yet received funds. We have emailed BetOnline247 to follow up on this issue and are awaiting response. Stay tuned. Note: BetOnline247 is not to be confused with BetOnline (one of our top rated sportsbooks).

We will stay on top of this one to help the party involved and keep the public informed as to how well or poorly sportsbooks are conducting business.

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