sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Archive for May 2023

  • Lebron vs Curry starts this week

    NBA Playoff News – Nuggets Underdogs? – Heat the Team to Beat

    The 2023 NBA Playoffs continue to roll right along, with eight teams left standing. That will get halved over the next two weeks, with the games figuring to get even more competitive as well.  Here i...
  • Eagles and other teams fared well in the 2023 NFL Draft

    Which NFL Teams Had the Best Draft in 2023?

    The 2023 NFL draft concluded this past weekend. There were some big Winners and big losers in the process. Draft picks are important for building a team, especially long-term. However, draft picks rar...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by