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Where Can I Play Football Squares?

Scott Morris | August 31, 2022
Free Football Pools - or real Money Pools - You Choose

The football square pool has been around for quite some time. Most people know about them because in the weeks prior to the Super Bowl someone at work will usually manage and offer one of these pools. Its a great way to throw in a few bucks, make the game more interesting and even possibly make some cash.

When it comes to selecting the squares themselves there is no real strategy. This is because the numbers are not filled in until after the pool has been totally filled with players and each box has been selected. The manager of the pool will use a random number generator to fill in the numbers.

Once the numbers have been assigned, there are definitely better squares than other. The footwork on this math has already been done. 0-0 and 7-0 have the best odds in the first quarter. Every quarter after that is different. Below you can find the best numbers to have for each square based on mathematics. Below that you can find a video we put together of where to find the actual squares to play.

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Football square pool odds per square

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