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Scott Morris | March 23, 2022 website down

We have been contacted by dozens of customers of today inquiring asking us if we know why their website is down. We do not know anymore than the average customer at this point.

What We Do Know

They have a placard on their site right now which states they are down for maintenance purposes. Although most sportsbooks schedule maintenance for their non-busy seasons (mid-summer in U.S.) this isn’t always the case. If the maintenance mentioned is about fixing a serious security issue, then now is a good time. The Sweet 16 doesn’t start until tomorrow and they probably figure if they can get up and running by noon then they will be fine.

The fact that the placard is visible means that it is probably not a DDoS attack and that they probably still have control of their domain which are good signs. is rated as “D rating” on our sportsbook list. They have had a multitude of slow-pays and no-pays over the years and have not been communicative when we have reached out to them.

If you are looking for a highly rated and reliable sportsbook to throw down your bets, check out our recommended sportsbooks page.

UPDATE: 2/24/2022

The sportsbook now has a generic log-in page as their homepage with a broken image at the top. Customers are reporting that they are able to log in and manage their accounts now. generic log-in screen

Generic login screen as homepage with broken image at the top. accessible again

A view from the inside where everything looks normal.



SBA Minutes

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Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +225

Cleveland Cavaliers +700

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by