sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Archive for July 2021

  • NFL handicapping contest 2021

    BetOnline NFL MegaContest – $500K Up for Grabs

    Every year the contests keep getting better. And that goes for contests around the country. In Las Vegas, WestGate has their SuperContest which pays out big but requires a $1000 entry fee and requires...
  • sports betting vs other games of chance

    Why Some Prefer Sports Betting to Other Games of Chance

    Sports bettors are their own breed of person. If you are not a sports bettor, you will probably never know the thrill of turning in a bet which you have spent hours, maybe even days studying. And then...
  • Baseball Hof Odds

    2022 MLB Hall of Fame Inductee Odds

    Major League Baseball inducts a handful of people into its hall of fame every year. In most decades you have the “shoe-in” guys who you know are going to get in and should be there. And th...
  • NFL news - player moves - late july 2021

    Pre-Camp NFL News

    On Wednesday, the new NFL season becomes official when the Cowboys and Steelers open training camp. The Buccaneers follow on Sunday, with the other 29 teams all breaking camp on July 27. The offseason...
  • MLB Trade Rumors July 2021

    Latest MLB Trade Rumors

    The Major League Baseball trade deadline is July 30, and with this year’s return to a full season of baseball, we should see a return to the flurry of activity in the final 24 hours of trading. Joey...
  • Youwager site otuage

    YouWager Scheduled Maintenance Today

    YouWager, a popular online sportsbook, is scheduled to have maintenance today and betting outages have already been reported. If you are having trouble at the site and wish to wager you can call 800-Y...
  • sportsbooks who pay out fast

    Same Day Payout Report

    There is nothing more important when dealing with a sportsbook than being able to get paid and fast. That’s why we always keep our ears open when it comes to people getting paid. Whenever we int...
  • Aston Kutcher bets on sports

    Famous Celebrities Who Bet on Sports

    Sports betting is a multi-billion dollar per year business. Anytime you have a game of chance of enjoyed by the masses, there will be plenty of betting on the outcome. And betting on sports is not jus...
  • Bet Bitcoin Odds - Futures

    Bitcoin Odds – Bet on What Price will be at End 2021

    Bitcoin and sports betting have histories which are permanently etched together. The reason for this is that BTC was being used as a payment system for offshore sportsbooks as far back as 2013. The re...
  • Odds where Lillard will play next

    Damian Lillard Next Team Odds

    In a sports world which seemingly resembles the rest of the topsy-turvy world of the 2020’s, no player is committed to staying with any one team. Every day news breaks about ‘this player w...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by