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Why Some Prefer Sports Betting to Other Games of Chance

Scott Morris | July 22, 2021
sports betting vs other games of chance

Sports bettors are their own breed of person. If you are not a sports bettor, you will probably never know the thrill of turning in a bet which you have spent hours, maybe even days studying. And then that sense of accomplishment which comes after the win.

Outsiders may look at sports gamblers as being just another gambler looking to “get his fix”. And while that may be true for a very small percentage (8%), the truth is that many sports bettors don’t gamble on anything other than sports. Sure, he may pick up the occasional lotto ticket. But you are not going to find him parked in front of the slot machine for hours on end. Those types of games don’t interest a sports gambler because the result is totally out of his control. And that brings us to our list:

Reasons Why Sports Gamblers Choose It Over Other Games of Chance

  1. More Predictability – The outcome of the sporting event can be predicted to a certain point. Sure, there are fluke last minute interceptions or fumbles which can change the outcome and ruin your bet. But, flukes are the exception. A good sports bettor knows matchups and angles and the probabilities of team A vs team B. That is his edge.
  2. The Long Wait – People who play card games or slot machines pull their lever or take their card and know instantly whether they win or lose. It hasn’t been unheard of for a card gambler to lose his entire bankroll in 30 minutes or less. With sports betting, you have a 3 to 4 hour game which unfolds in its own unique way. Its about the journey.
  3. It Coincides with Something You Already Love – The overwhelming majority of sports bettors start as fans of sports. They realize that they can take their existing knowledge and potentially turn a profit from it.
  4. Social Aspect – When you and your pals place a bet on the same team you feel the highs and lows together. There is commiseration when you lose and boosted excitement when you win. When you play slots or cards, almost nobody is rooting for you and they really don’t care that you lost with pocket Kings.

These are just some of the reasons we came up for why sports bettors choose sports and not other games of chance. You study your game. You place your bet. And it is out of your hands now. Sit back and watch the show. Unless you are live betting. But that is a whole separate topic and one for a different post.


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NCAAF Action Report

Notre Dame +8.5 (50% of tix & 44% of $)
Ohio State -8.5 (50% of tix & 56% of $)
Total: Over 45.5 (70% of tix & 67% of $)