sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Archive for June 2021

  • 2020 NFL ATS Standings

    It is important to have as much betting information at your disposal. This includes past performance and recent performance. Performance against the spread is the simplest and most valuable stat when ...
  • Olympics Taking Shape sportsbook

    U.S. Olympic Team Takes Shape

    The U.S. Olympic Trials finished up on Sunday night, and the women’s gymnastic team that emerged from the competition in St. Louis might be the very best the U.S. has ever sent to the Games. Simone ...
  • NHL greatest comebacks in history

    Greatest Stanley Cup Playoff Upsets in NHL History

    The 2021 Stanley Cup Finals got off to a dramatic start as the defending champion Tampa Bay Lightning defeated upstart Montreal 5-1 in Game 1. That the Canadiens are even in this Stanley Cup Final is ...
  • All Star MLB News

    MLB Names All-Star Finalists

    Phase one of Major League Baseball’s All-Star voting is over. The field of eligible starters for the game in Denver in two weeks has been narrowed to three players per position, per league. It is no...
  • SEC football futures 2021

    2021 SEC Football – Odds to Win Conference and Picks

    The SEC is routinely considered the most powerful conference in football every year. An SEC team is usually considered to be the favorite to win it all and they also finish the season with the most am...
  • Pac-12 football conference odds

    PAC-12 Conference Champion Odds and Picks

    On August 28th at 3:30pm the country will get to see the first real action from a Pac-12 college football team this season. The Hawaii Warriors are in Los Angeles to do battle with the Bruins of UCLA....
  • Is Eli Manning a Hall of Famer

    Is Eli Manning a Hall of Famer?

    You can almost picture it now. It’s another holiday season at the Mannings, football’s most famous family, and, like the adult children they still are, brothers Peyton and Eli are going at it. The...
  • Bauer of the Dodgers are still favored

    Updated 2021 World Series Odds

    As the Major League Baseball season approaches the end of its first half, the Los Angeles Dodgers are still the favorite to repeat as World Series champions. There is, however, one team that has seen ...
  • NFL News - Player hold outs

    NFL Finishes Minicamps, Begins Summer Vacation

    The last of the NFL’s 32 teams finished up mandatory mini camps last week, and now we won’t see any players on the field until training camps begin next month. The Steelers and Cowboys open on Jul...
  • College baseball world series odds ad pick

    Who Will Win 2021 College World Series?

    College baseball fans are getting exactly what they missed in 2020 – a College World Series. The coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of the event last year, but the 2021 College World Serie...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by