Table Tennis – Yes Table Tennis – Is the Hot Sport to Bet

I am sure you already know where I am going with this. Table tennis is the hot sport to bet because IT IS THE ONLY SPORT TO BET. People are at home and bored and they want some competitive action.
Tired of watching reruns of great NCAA football games from years past, people want something live. Its in our nature to want to watch something unfold in real-time. And for many of us, it is in our nature to observe, process and then bet what we anticipate will happen next.
The table tennis we are speaking of is being played in Russia, where their president has referred to the Conornavirus as “the flu”. So, it is business as usual in the table tennis world. The matches go off here pretty shortly (4:30 pm and 5:00 pm ET). Here are the match-ups and odds according to BetOnline
- Ilya Kutniy (+178) vs. Maksym Cherepnyn (-218)
- Vitaliy Sazneh (+145) vs. Vitaliy Hitrov (-175)
- Vadim Reva (-190) vs. Vladimir Butko (+150)