NFL Playoff Angles that Should Win Almost 65% of the Time (ATS)

Part 2 – (Part I is here)
Remember….. we’re playing a market as well as a game.
Any advantageous angles should be used in conjunction with all information available.
III. Look For:
A Rematch of non-divisional opponents:
This works for two playoff teams that played each other during the regular season.
The play is on the team that lost the first match-up straight up.
The public often expects that what they saw last time will happen the next.
It usually doesn’t.
IV. Look For:
Underdogs winning two games in succession:
Note: The underdog’s first win can be at the end of the regular season.
The play is on an underdog that has won two games in succession straight up.
The public likes favorites that are advancing in the playoffs.
Good Luck The Rest of This Season.
I’ll do my best for you on this end.
John Rothschild