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Bowl Game Action Analysis

Scott Morris | December 20, 2019
Bowl game action report

The major bowl games are still ten days off so many sportsbooks believe they have only seen a small fraction of the action to come. Most sports bettors tend to wait until the day before or the day of the actual event to place their bets.

YouWager sportsbook confirms this: “Bowls are getting little action since most are still far away.” said the book manager. When asked about the games seeing a lot of action he said “We are getting a lot of Oklahoma money early with the high point spread starting 12.5 went to 14 and now back down where it seems to be settling at -13.5. Public betting Clemson as well (was -2 went to 2.5).”

Another game that if receiving significant early action is the Orange Bowl. The game features Florida vs Virginia.  “The Orange Bowl crosses a big number going from Florida -12 to 14.5.” said YouWager‘s sportsbook manager. That key number of 14 being crossed is interesting. Sportsbooks don’t typically like to do that so that they can avoid it landing on 14 and being “middled” by some sports bettors.

Elsewhere, William Hill Sportsbook has reported a $20K wager on Clemson to win it all. You can expect to see many more large bets like this the closer we get to kickoff. The odds offered were roughly 2-1, so if Clemson wins its third championship under Dabo Sweeney, the bettor will get a cool $60K payout ($40K winning +$20K money back).

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