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When is an Online Sportsbook a Slow Pay?

Scott Morris | September 16, 2015

Often times sportsbooks are put on a payout clock by players. However, there are misconceptions that exist and errors that are made when calculating the amount of time that is a legitimate slow pay.

There is a standard time and payout methods and how quick a top sportsbook online pays through these different bank options are how they are considered good payers or slow payers.

  • Sportsbooks often will advertise that their payouts take a certain number of business or working days to process. That figure does not include weekends.
  • Payout that do not get processed within 1 to 3 business after a request for payout has been made are not slow pay, provided the sportsbook has given updates and gives a revised estimated time of payout. When it comes right down to it, processing companies do become bogged down and that is why the bitcoin sportsbooks are growing in popularity.
  • Most often transfers person to person might be 1 to 3 business days later than were originally scheduled, because of the nature of the method of payout. Any longer than that is considered usual. With payment methods such as eWallet, Neteller or Skrill then more than 3 business days should be considered a slow pay.
  • When a payout is not processed within a period of 7 days from the day of request, then it is considered a slow pay. Nevertheless, if the payout was processed then deducted from the balance of the sportsbook and is up to three business days late it is not considered slow pay.
  • Bank transfers are typically outside the estimated period for payment more frequently than are other forms of payment, because of all the things involved with a bank transfer. eWallets that are longer than 7 business days are absolutely a slow pay.
  • When a player must wait two weeks or more in working days and all information has been submitted, all is in order and P2P transfer are acceptable, then that sportsbook is also slow pay.

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