sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Archive for June 2014

  • All About the New College Football Playoff

    In case you’ve been living under a rock, the 2014 college football season will be a bit different than in years past. If you’ve been begging the NCAA to form a playoff system, now you’re in luck...
  • The Sporting Events Americans Love to Bet: Top to Bottom

    Even though you can wager on any game, there are certain sporting events that Americans love to wager on more than others. These events draw big crowds at Las Vegas sportsbooks. Online sportsbooks see...
  • Baseball Stats Every Gambler Should Pay Attention To

    Major League Baseball has long been a game that idolizes players that post impressive meaningless statistics. For example, pitcher wins and batter RBI’s are, as it turns out, incredibly meaningless ...
  • 2014 NFL Championship Odds (and some Picks to Click)

    Super Bowl 50 (that’s right – 50- the NFL is dropping the Roman numerals for this one) is more than 7 months away, but this is a great time to get in on some future bets. Think of it as an investm...
  • Inside the Sportsbooks: How the Sportsbook Tries to Balance the Action

    Sportsbooks are for-profit businesses. They will do anything possible to ensure they turn a profit. That doesn’t mean some players can’t win, just like some players win on slots, blackjack, etc. B...
  • Oregon’s Marcus Mariota top challenger to Jameis Winston for 2014 Heisman

    The favorite to win the Heisman Trophy hasn’t won it often in college football history so perhaps it bodes well for Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota that he’s only the second-favorite on ...
  • NBA and NHL Championship Odds 2015

    With the L.A Kings winning the NHL and the San Antonio Spurs winning the NBA, some futures bettors are already looking toward next year. Here are the initial odds offerings on next years championships...
  • 3 General Sports Betting Tips Even the Pros Will Benefit From

    Whether you are new to sports betting, a long-time sports betting loser or a professional handicapper, I have some advice you will greatly benefit from. In sports betting, there is no margin for error...
  • Updated NBA Odds and Props

    The Miami Heat are in quite the playoff hole down 3-1 to the San Antonio Spurs. What are the odds that they come back and win the next three to take the series? See odds below. Also, here are Carmelo ...
  • Handicapping Major League Baseball Teams as of June 11, 2014

    We are approximately 2/5 of the way through the 2014 baseball season. It’s been an interesting season to say the least. There are teams I expected more from that are disappointing, and teams that h...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by