The Best Sportsbooks in Las Vegas

Planning a trip to Las Vegas? It’s that time of year. Sin City is the sports betting capital of the world. Nowhere else will you find a sportsbook seemingly on every block. The only problem with betting on sports in Las Vegas is you have so many places to wager. So how do you choose where to bet on sports and cheer your teams on to cover? This list of Las Vegas sportsbooks should suffice:
Aria Resort and Casino (Center Strip)
There’s nothing to dislike about Aria, except maybe room rates. This fancy resort located in the gorgeous CityCenter has a world-class sportsbook. Within the Aria sportsbook, you will find dozens of large screen HDTV’s, leather couches and most seats are leather love seats. The chairs are so comfortable that you might get tempted to take a nap. If you get hungry, there are plenty of food options just steps away, including a new pizza joint with some of the best pizza in town.
Caesars Palace (Center Strip)
Perhaps the best atmosphere to watch a game is at Caesars Palace. If you show up for a big game, better get there early and be prepared for loud noises. Caesars seems to have one of the liveliest crowds in their sportsbook. That’s a good thing…unless you’re 80 years old and hate noise. You’ll probably also enjoy the scenery. The cocktail waitresses are more than easy on the eyes. The Caesars Palace sportsbook features comfortable seating, more than a dozen betting windows and cocktail waitresses that stop by frequently. Even if you wager elsewhere, Caesars is an excellent spot to watch the game.
Bellagio (Center Strip)
Three of the world’s most awesome sportsbooks reside in casinos that are right next to each other (Caesars-Aria-Bellagio). Bellagio’s sportsbook is located right next to its world renowned poker room. The sportsbook is every bit as famous. People frequent the Bellagio sportsbook for a number of reasons. Most notably, the atmosphere is excellent and the leather chairs are quite comfortable. Much like Caesars, I’m also quite impressed with the quality of the cocktail waitresses. Some pretty good eye candy there.
Wynn (North Center Strip)
Steve Wynn built one of the most amazing structures in North America and the sportsbook is more than just a small part of that. I absolutely love this sportsbook because there are plenty of TV’s and the white leather chairs are nice and comfortable. Like any other top sportsbook, betting lines are almost always long during and before big games, so place your wagers early.
Venetian (North Center Strip)
Next door to the Wynn is Venetian. This is arguably the best sportsbook in Las Vegas. Venetian’s sportsbook is one of the many Cantor Gaming spots in town. They have some of the sharpest HDTV’s you’ll ever see, which makes watching ball games at Venetian pretty darn awesome. You can avoid long betting lines by signing up for a Cantor Gaming membership and wager straight from your seat. Each seat has an individual television. There is a bar located directly behind the sportsbook and a tasty Asian restaurant right next to it.
Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino (1 Mile West of Strip)
The Rio is famous for more than just hosting the World Series of Poker. They boast a sportsbook with a great big game atmosphere, excellent table service and some quality TV’s. Rio’s sportsbook set-up is perfect…tons of TV’s, bar located directly behind the sportsbook and a grab-and-go grill attached to the sportsbook. The only downside to this sportsbook is the place gets a bit too crowded during big events such as the NCAA Tournament. Otherwise, it’s an awesome place to watch a ball game.
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