sports betting news and sportsbook reviews

Archive for August 2013

  • Sportsbook Advisor Redesign and Site Updates

    We are proud to announce we are rolling out a newer version of SBA this month right in time for football season. What the new site will feature: 1) All free picks posts for football, basketball, baseb...
  • NCAA Football Conference Odds

    NCAA football is right around the corner. Now is the time to study the teams and place your wagers on conference champions. These odds we used came from Bovada Sportsbook. Also, check out Top Bet. The...

SBA Minutes

In this section we will post updates and notes about the current betting day/week/season. Check back daily.

Current Favs to Win NBA Championship

Boston Celtics +220

Oklahoma City Thunder +230

Cleveland Cavaliers +650

Los Angeles Lakers +900

Denver Nuggets +1200

New York Knicks +1400

As reported by